Unit testing private methods
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I have a dirty but simple way to unit test private methods.
I create a wrapper method that I prefix with UT_ and write a comment that is only used for unit testing.
To be honest I haven’t done this on a public API but I wouldn’t hesitate for a public-within-a-company method.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | </del> <del>private int MyMethod( int myParameter ){</del> <del> ComplexBusinessLogic...</del> <del> }</del> <del>///<summary>This helper method is only used for unit testing. Do Not call it in normal operations.</summary></del> <del> internal int UT_MyMethod( int myParameter ){</del> <del> return MyMethod( myParameter );</del> <del> }</del> <del> |
I use InternalsVisibleTo to make internals visible to my unit testing project.
One can play with protected methods and inheritance too.
Tags: csharp, dirty trick, unit test