Resharper and Visual studio short cuts
There are some I use that might be useful for my readers too:
Resharper has 3 main combinations.
shift-alt-enter – Somewhat resembles Visual studio’s ctrl-..
ctrl-shift-r – Refactoring. Resharper’s raison d’être.
alt-ins – Inserting stuff by templates. E.g. a constructor taking all properties as arguments or Equal and GetHashCode methods.
ctrl-alt-q – Quickview instead of shift-f9
ctrl-w – Mark whatever you’re at. It can be set to recognise Pascal/camel cased words too as one often wants to edit just a part of a variable name.
Here’s a nice touch: continue press ctrl-w and the mark extends. A super way to mark a method.
ctrl-f12 – Go to implementation (instead of declaration). Often ctrl-f12 is enough.
alt-f12 – Sneak peak of whatever you are standing on. A good way to look at a called method body without having to open yet a window, or move in an existing.
Here’s a nice touch: the opened sneak peak is a full fledged editor so go ahead and navigate, edit, debug and edit-and-continue as you are used to.
Above the method name (VS2015) there is a row with information about callers, editors, tests and whatnot. Hover over them with the mouse pointer and you get the shortcuts. They are typically ctrl-alt-1, ctrl-alt-2 und so weiter.
ctrl– and ctrl-+ – Navigate back and forward in history. On pre VS2015 this did not necessarily work with a non-us keyboard layout.
ctr-esc – Close the active tool window.
ctrl-shift-f12 – Go to the next item in a list, typically compile error but some other lists work too. Try compile with some errors. Then you can step through the errors with this shortcut.
TODO:Check it really is shift-alt-f12 as my muscle memory seems to elude me.
ctrl-shift-l – Delete current row. This is not as good as can be. Ctrl-l should be shorter but it is bound to cutting the row. Unnecessary really since ctrl-x does this if nothing is marked. I have earlier bound deleting a row to ctrl-l but nowadays don’t bother; i press ctrl-shift instead.
ctrl-x and ctrl-c – When nothing is marked they cut respectively copy the current row.
ctrl-shift-v – Cycle through Visual studio’s multi clipboard. A multi clipboard is a must. I use Ditto instead so I get a system wide multi clipboard with search capability and power off persistance.
shift-alt-enter – Maximises the window even more. There is no need for the top bar which says “Your project name – Microsoft Visual studio” and takes up the whole top of the screen. In the VB6 IDE one could even get rid of the menu; it is seldom needed to be visible – one just pressed alt or moved the mouse to the top and it showed again.
ctrl-r-t – Run the test method the caret is positioned in. If the caret is outside of a method is runs the whole class. If it is outside the class… – I haven’t checked, you tell me. Both Visual studio and resharper lacks some basic functionality like debug last method; as it stands now there is only run last method. I have the need to switch back and forth between running and debugging. If you are deep into writing tests – check Ncrunch which does a fantastic job of running tests and visualising what is tested and what is not. It also has the handy tool run any test that brings me to where the caret presently is. (r#)
ctrl-r-ctrl-t – Debug the test method… see ctrl-r-t. (r#)
One can have two windows side by side. Tests on the left and testee on the right. Or HTML on the left and Javascript on the right. Or client code on the left and server code on the right. One can have three windows side by side. Four.