hejdig.Long time no see.This is the same email with a new layout.
To make a long story short; the positive feedback I have gotten on this email has been on the contents, the bad on the format. Depending on email client it has been mangled enough to be rendered ugly.
So through a detour around Ruby land I have finally gotten something that is readable again.For getting this layout to work I have started using Mailchimp. I am totally new to this tools so if you find any dead links or anything else not working – please let me know.
Your email address is still as private as before.So what do you think?To celebrate the new layout I link to possibly the funniest jump. Evar.
And as always – the good stuff is at the end of the letter.

Code and development

Create a menu in CSS3 (web)

Aspnetmvc, Webapi, Jquery, Knockout and Signlr all together (web)

Aspnetmvc, Webapi, Jquery, Knockout and Signlr all together.
In an hour or less.
Continue with googling with bing for “webstack of love” for more of his presentations.BTW: NDC (Norwegian Developer Conference) has most (all?) of its presentations online. There are many good ones.- http://vimeo.com/m/43603472
Javascript frameworks to aid Model/DOM-manipuation on the client (web)

Using MV frameworks on the client is pure goodness until one stumbles upon a situation where it doesn’t work and instead trips you.
Don’t let that stop you – I have tried Knockout and really like it.Angular isn’t MVVM but MVW, whatever that stands for, and has another model for sending data between DOM elements. Sort of MVVM without the Model. It looks like it’s a Google product.Backbone has a Model. When it is updated the DOM updates. When the DOM updates so does the Model. It is more MVC than MVVM. It relies on underscore, another helper lib which might be good to have in the toolbox.Ember is a tool that targets bigger solutions. It has MV and templating like the others. Recently out with a new beta. They call it 1.0pre. Which is a beta AFAIK.Knockout is a MVVM framework that just happens to be the one blessed by Aspnet. I have tried it. I like it.Then there I Knockback to mix the Knockout and Backbone worlds.
– http://angularjs.org/
– http://backbonejs.org/
– http://emberjs.com/
– http://knockoutjs.com/
– http://kmalakoff.github.com/knockback/
– http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5112899/knockout-js-vs-backbone-js-vs <-comparision and discussion
JSHint, A JavaScript Code Quality Tool (web)

Text copied from the about screen explains it best.
“JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce your team’s coding conventions. It is very flexible so you can easily adjust it to your particular coding guidelines and the environment you expect your code to execute in.”There is a big text box on the site. Just paste your code and feel ashamed of yourself for writing sub par javascript. Just as I do.- http://www.jshint.com/
List and poll and summary of HTML5 development tools (web)


Multi platform game development.The program translates the Monkeycoder language to several others which can then be compiled in respective environment. And sold. And profited.-http://www.monkeycoder.co.nz/
Tipthanks DanielG
GTD with Evernote

The secret weapon is the name for a project? solution? idea? community? that has put GTD (getting things done) together with Evernote.GTD is in short:
If you can do it in less than 5 minutes – do it now.
The rest – put on a list and prioritise.
When the <5minutes tasks are done: review list.
GOTO 10- http://www.thesecretweapon.org/
Hammer.js – javascript touch lib (web,mobile)

If you are just starting your utterly responsive HTML javascript project you should be aware that the browser on Ios has a 300ms delay between tap and click.There are totally valid reasons for this but outside the scope of this article.
300ms is noticeable. I foresee it will decrease in the future when we get screens with more sensors and intelligence in them. Also outside the scope of this article.Never the less, if you are writing a HTML5 game this might be a show stopper so you are into writing your own handlers for down, up and click/tap/press. And there goes your initial estimates for a demo because down-up-click is a framework on its own, especially combined with doubleclick, swipe, pinch and drag.Talking of frameworks, the link below tries to solve just that.- http://eightmedia.github.com/hammer.js/
DYI – a 3D touchless tracking device (arduino)

You need a computer, an Arduino, some wires and electronics components, time and patience.
Of course it is a little course. Of course it takes a few hours to put together. Of course it isn’t compatible with your latest games.The documentation puts some weight on everything sharing the same ground. In Sweden laptops are often not grounded but that could be remedied by yet another wire acting as ground.- http://makeprojects.com/Project/A-Touchless-3D-Tracking-Interface/2233/1
Great jQuery plugins for fresh websites (web)

Git-ts: Git integrated with TFS (win)

Common infrastructure libraries for .NET (dotnet)

Have you ever had to choose between log4net (how much is it developed today?), nlog (newer and fresher but better?) and enterprise framework (can do everything but how?) and decided to postpone decision or even roll your own?Have you ever been in a project where some run log4net and others nlog and someone used ef some years ago?Enter Netcommon. It presents a common interface for everything logging. The plans are for supporting more infrastructure stuff in the future but right now only logging is ready.
So you can write logging through Netcommon and don’t care what people use down the road. A nice idea. I have to go down the corridor to talk to a guy who has used it. Be right back!- http://netcommon.sourceforge.net/Yupp. He was satisfied.
Jquery 1.9 release (web)

Mousetrap – keyboard shortcuts in javascript (web)

The Web interface is very mouse pointer oriented which sucks big time since I am born with just two hands and they are on my keyboard. Mouse works fine for browsing but input? No.
Fat client programs have keyboard shortcuts which is still The reason to use them instead of Web applications.
But look at gmail for instance; press ? and a help screen pops up. C for composing a new letter, GI for getting back to the inbox and so forth. Implementing this on your own is a great pain, unless you use a lib of course; then it is only Less of a pain.Mousetrap, the lib linked below, contains tools for ctrl-a, ctrl-shift-a and the like, “hormal” shortcuts if you prefer. It also contains gmail-style which are ?, C, GI etc. To top it up it contains whay they call Konami style. An example of that would be: up up up down up up left right lef right down a x. There are live examples right on their site.- http://craig.is/killing/mice
Unit testing and SMTP (dotnet)

How do I become a hacker?

The head line is the one most used questions at a certain kind of forum. The answer is the same as with learning to play an instrument.
Practice.But where does one start?
I really don’t know but hackerhighschool seems as good as any.And remember – Hack everything but harm none. Really. As a 10 years old one hasn’t developed ethics, as a 20 one is still new at the game and as a 40 years old one is still learning.
Print it out “Hack everything but harm none.” Put it on the wall behind the monitor. Read it. Embrace it. Hack.- http://www.google.com/ <- best place to start learning hacking
– http://www.hackerhighschool.org/lessons.html
Gratis device emulators for testing

Having recently delivered a project running on both Android and IOS tablets and phones I can testify it is cumbersome to test. And debug.
Ok, with Ios6 one can finally connect remotely to Safari but we had to support Ios5 too. And what about debugging Chrome on Ipad? Phew.
Does Opera run on Ipad? Opera mobile has solved remote debugging already today you know.With 90% of the functionality we can move it to the desktop and the horse powers we have there. Below is linked 6 such tools.- http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2012/11/6-free-mobile-device-emulators-for-testing-your-site/
Colour scheme designer with colour blindness visualisation (web)

Colours is a science of its own.How does one choose the right colours for a site or application or when drawing or doodling? One has only 3 choices: chance, feel or math. Due to lack of time and a slight colour blindness I go for the latter.Below is a site that does the hard work for you. It has several hidden features like export to different formats, manipulations like pastel and contrast and visualisation of how the colours look for different types of colour blindness.
When you have decided for a colour scheme you can store the URL and get back to where you were.
– http://colorschemedesigner.com
What happens the first few milliseconds of a HTTPS call? (web)

Chart of what takes time, code vs network calls

Razor engine tips and tricks (win)

The Razor template engine is awesome. It’s like “how would I like to code?” and then just write like it and let Razor figure out what you mean.
There are certain caveats but they can be remedied with for instance @: and @helpers. You haven’t heard about them? Me neither. Hence my linking below.If you do AspnetMVC with the Razor engine; read below. These 2 minutes of you time are a good investment.- http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2013/01/09/ten-tricks-for-razor-views.aspx
Projects and leadersip

About Google’s one day a week

Your Path through Agile Fluency

Deliver 50 times a day

Latest project I was in came with the usual birth labour. Deliver. Bugs found. Correction. Deliver. Repeat.
I find this good. I believe in continuous delivery and repeated my mantra “a delivery every 20 minutes” for anyone who’d listen. (reality:to anyone having the bad luck to be close enough)
Then during one of these delivery iterations we felt a disturbance in the force; and checked online; and was Live!It wasn’t a 20 minutes delivery and it wasn’t 50 times a day but it was a first step.Below is linked a way bigger and more complex site than ours that deliver continuously. 50. Times. A day.- http://timothyfitz.com/2009/02/10/continuous-deployment-at-imvu-doing-the-impossible-fifty-times-a-day/
T4 for visual studio 2012 (win)

T4 is the templating language used by Microsoft and Visual studio. If you for instance are doing Entity Framework you are using T4.Now this language and these template can be further developed or made totally from scratch. I have invested some time in ST4bby which creates POCOs with a single click of a button.T4 has been updated and adapted for the new Visual studio. If you are using it, or thinking thereof, zip through the link below for some new stuff.
– http://www.olegsych.com/2012/12/t4-toolbox-for-visual-studio-2012/
– http://johnnycode.com/ST4bby/ <- create pocos by the touch of a button
Getting kids into programming

I have many times written about languages appropriate for programming. I have later realised that it is possibly not the language that is the threshold but the will. *Why* should a kid chose to program?The simple answer is “games”. The more comprehensive answer is longer. Below its linked a blog article with various links.- http://blog.pamelafox.org/2013/01/getting-kids-into-programming.html
Products and releases

Raspberry pi + Xbmc + Airplay (linux)

Ouya preorderable (android)

It’s an open game console with an Android engine.
One of the shiny parts is that is was funded through Kickstarter.- http://www.ouya.tv/
Textmate 2 going F/OSS (mac)

Contrary to Windows there is just a handful of free and gratis text editors on the Mac. Textmate is one of them and it is now going open source. Not only that, it is going GPLv3 which means than no fork of it can be sold in the app store.<trying>
<fail/>I’ll throw a log in the fire and write that the editors on the mac are lacking in usability.
The litmus test is to edit a file without using the mouse.- http://blog.macromates.com/2012/textmate-2-at-github/
Whiteboard on the web (web)

The Ipad and Android has icons in tabular format so you, dear reader, know how bad it is (win)

There must be a better solution.
Windowsphone7 has tiles which is slightly interactive icons but in a vertical order. Very like but also very different.
The start menu of Windows>=95 is hierarchical.
Spotlight and the start menu of Windows>=7 does a quick text search and happens to be my preferred way of starting applications.
Late Osx versions use pinch to show a, yet again, tabular screen with icons.I don’t know how to use Circledock but I know in the back of my head there is a good use for it.- http://circledock.wikidot.com/

Online collaboration for hardware electronics.Gratis for open source projects.- http://upverter.com/
Android Mini PC RK3066 (android)

Papercut – mimic a mail server (win)

If you are writing an application that sends email you also have to set up SMTP server or SMTP relaying; and do it securely. It is not difficult but it takes some time.Papercut is instead a desktop application that does this work for you without configuration – anything you send pops up in the GUI. F/OSS.- http://papercut.codeplex.com
Privacy, security and rights

The patent war between Samsung and Apple described as a flower

Watching Netflix or Hulu from outside USA or Canada is not impossible (web)

No more Flash updates on the Android platform (android)

Use Google to search for patents

Logo for DRM free files

DRM, aka copy protection, is a way of the past even though not everyone has understood. Ok ok, to be honest I know of some places where it is a good fit but for, say, music or moving pictures it is more of a wart than real limb.Someone has created a logo for this. My trained artist eye says the logo is hideous.-http://www.defectivebydesign.org/node/2243
Site for helping you with those pesky Terms-of-service

Have you ever read one Terms of service? I doubt I have.
Have you ever written a Terms of service? I have not. My personal terms of service are either Works on my machine or I don’t owe you and you don’t owe me.Now there is a site to grade and discuss Terms of service. It also has a wonderful feature – a diff feature. Every time you get a new Flash patch you have some ks of words of Terms of service but what is new? A diff is exactly that – tells you what is new, changed and gone.One thing to look for that I haven’t noticed earlier is the right to leave the service. According to Steam or Skype you cannot. It’s like a Cockroach hotel.Duckduckgo gets full grades but it is also a very simple service. Github is one grade down. Facebook is not graded yet but we know which end of the scale it ends up on. I guess Google, despite trying hard, is going towards that same end.Below is also linked to an aid for creating your own privacy policies.- http://tos-dr.info/
– http://termsfeed.com/free/privacy-policy-generator
Free classical music

US government (or military) eaves drop your private Facebook postings

In the name of the holy war against terrorism and people with different opinions your facebook private files might be read by the U.S. national security details.In the defense of the Holy warriors in the holy war against terrorism and different opinionated, the guy arrested was putting out some real threats. Personally I’d prefer to have him under surveillance and treatment too.
But the fact remains that Facebook isn’t private. Not even the private parts are private.Which leads me to Microsoft skydrive where one is not allowed to store nude pictures or warez. This means that there is constant surveillance of what you store. I have lost the link though.Equally lost is the link to the guy at Google, a contractor, that had as job to sift through juicy pictures; the real juicy, like goatse-juicy ones. He had to go to therapy afterwards.- http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/08/20/2345253/ex-marine-detained-for-facebook-posts-deemed-terrorist-in-natureI guess I get bumped with Echelon for this.

Mactuts+ – mac tutorials

Toys – war toys of yesterday

If you ever wondered where USA got their love for weapons look no further. Below is linked old commercials with gay (used in the old tense as happy, glad) boys blasting away at their enemies.
No gun is too big.
Every boy wants one.
And girls too.
Mattel – big guns for boys, eating disorder dolls for girls.
Batteries not needed – remember, this was back in the black&white days.- http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2012/08/retro-commercials-old-toys-your-parents-loved/
How differential gears work

I know how differential gears (differentialväxel) work. And You know how differential gears work. But trying to explain how it works is another issue.So below is linked a flick from the times when the moving pictures where black and white but mostly grey and people smoked in their homes and women were secretaries and wore skirts but above all the Car was teh Future and gasoline was neither scarce, expensive nor polluting the earth.
Strangely enough it does a good job of explaining how differential gears work. You can wind 1:30 or 3:15 into the movie to avoid some of the fluff.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4JhruinbWcTipthanks MaTh
Nice presentation

Watch in CSS (web)

Home made prosthetic arm

DIY aircraft

Now, when we are about to get 3D printers and affordable CNC machines in every household why not make an aircraft? Open source!- http://makerplane.org/
Physical 1st person shooter

Playing FPS is probably the most fun thing you can do with your clothes on.
What it lacks though is sweat and pain.We have all dreamt about the 2D tread mill so we can walk and run in any direction instead of slouching in the couch. And we have all dreamt about the surround graphics filling our view field with intense graphics. Now this is done.And to add…
…paint ball markers to give sensory input when you get fragged!Sensoring is done through a Kinect so you can do it naked too.Reality is coming closer as we speak.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg8Bh5iI2WY
Tipthanks Fx
Nice looking props helmet

Below is linked some nice instructions on how to build a 3D props helmet out of paper.
First use a computer program to model the helmet in. Then use another program to get the model translated to paper and lines to cut. Then cut and glue and cut and glue. And cut and glue some more. Then apply bonding, polyester and other stuff every other time and sand every other. Repeat and repeat. Then apply layers and layers of paint. The result below is quite nice looking.- http://protagonist4hire.blogspot.se/2012/01/prop-building-101-part-1-building.html
Scariest prank. Ever.

Lego rubber band tank

Solar powered Raspberry pi FTP server

Bumbloods – zombie web series

Stupid people doing stupid things. A proven recipe since Friends and long before that. Bumbloods isn’t as good as Bite me but can be watch worth.- http://www.dailymotion.com/Bumbloods
Putting scale to things

How big is the sun? If you take the distance from Earth to Moon it is very roughly a fifth of the diameter of Sun. So Sun isn’t that big, cosmology wise.
Jupiter on the other hand is big. The biggest (known) planet TrES-4 isn’t even double the diameter of Jupiter.Okok, you can put all planets in our solar system on a plane and still have Sun surround them; so I guess it is kind of big. Disregaring Betelgeuse that is so big that when I placed Sun beside it, Sun was but a speck. Now Betelgeuse isn’t the biggest star, not by far. But it is old; old enough to die within the next 10000 years.Now. How small is an atom?
Don’t get me started. Find out for yourself.Play around with the link below.
Almost as addictive as google maps and heroin.- http://scaleofuniverse.comTipthanks Lasse
How Git works – explained in pictures
