Archive for the ‘Code and Development’ Category
July 28th, 2012
Say you doing MVVM binding with Knockout. Say you want to create an attribute on a HTML element that isn’t proper HTML.
| <a href="#" data-bind="attr: { 'userId' : id }" class="deleteLink">delete</a> |
The trick is to set the attribute name as a string: ‘userId’. This is proper JSON. To be honest – it is the proper way to create JSON but since javascript solves it anyway we usually omit it.
Now for the second part. How do we get it again?
| /element/.attributes["userId"].value |
is the trick.
Like so:
1 2 3 4
| $.(".deleteLink").live( "click", delete_Click );
function delete_Click(){
alert( this.attributes["userId"].value );
} |
July 22nd, 2012
In Aspnet MVC we use “Model” to send data to the view/cshtml file.
Then we want to use this Model in Jquery.
One cannot simply write
$("#MyControl").text( Model.ID );
Instead write
$("#MyControl").text( "@Model.ID" );
I wouldn’t this either but instead send the data to a hidden control or something. I can’t formalise why but the feeling is with me that I shouldn’t.
July 18th, 2012
My Neo4j didn’t start and my log showed
| org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: Target file[nioneo_logical.log.v1] already exists |
I solved it by removing all nioneo_logical.log* files in data/graph.db/
Right or wrong I don’t know but my nodes and indices remained intact.
July 11th, 2012
Below is various stuff I have found while working with Neo4j and Neo4jClient. Helpful? Dunno. At least it is better to keep text searchable than living just in my head. To be forgotten. Like tears in rain.
Neo4jClient can be installed through Nuget. Install-Package Neo4jClient. Awesome.
How to do some calls is here:
Stackoverflow tag for Neo4jClient is here:
Info on creating index is found here:
Creating a relation is a totally different horse than node. Why? Here is dotnet code for said:
Finding all nodes, and deleting them if wished is found here:
The queries are
1 2
| START n=node(*)
1 2 3
| START n=node(*)
MATCH n-[r?]-() where ID(n) <> 0
DELETE n, r; |
(replace <> with <>
Looking at an index in the web client:
For getting all nodes for an index with index name “MyIndexName” and property “MyProperty” write
| node:index:MyIndexName:MyProperty:* |
in the web admin. It also works with an exact index.
Writing a Relation is not as easy as writing a node. Se here:
I have not been able to confirm that it is possible to write properties on the relation.
Reading the relation again through its ID is also not as easy a reading a node. A workaround is to use Gremlin:
July 5th, 2012
This is not a deep diving article but just a brain dump. Maybe it will help someone. At least it works on my machine.
I wanted to use Neo4j with dotnet. So I put Neo4j as a server on the Mac and my regular dotnet stuff on a Win7 machine running through Parallels.
I don’t remember exactly what was needed to get Neo4j up and running but it was easy I recall. Download. Extract. Find the right folder. Type “neo4j start”. Open a browser. Type “localhost:7474”. Create a node. Check it was created. Done.
I opted for running Neo4j stand alone to keep my machine tidy – starting the Neo4j server every time I develop is easy.
Since I want to talk to Neo4j from another machine I need to bridge the network and open the firewall on the mac. It’s just a google away even though the way to open the firewall seems to shifts with every OSX release. To the better in my case.
A caveat that burned some time for me was that the admin GUI for Neo4j is set to only answer on localhost. It is considered a good thing since there is no usr/pwd. That is solved by updating the config and restarting the Neo4j server. Use http://yourmachine:7474 to check this.
On the Windows/Visual studio/Dotnet side I opted for Neo4jclient since it is under present development and open source. The 2 top hits I found otherwise had their last update set in 2010. It’s an easy install with Nuget.
Creating nodes from dotnet was easy. I just followed the getting started.
That’s all I’ve done for now.
July 4th, 2012
The real article is here.
I like how the Git-for-windows application is very clean. But I don’t like how it doesn’t give the user any clues. Like: I know I can add a new repository by clicking the add button but there is no way for me to see that I can reference an existing by dragdropping a folder. Maybe I can do this by the same add button but I can’t see it.
It also doesn’t give the user any clue about d’esprit of Git. Giving Git a GUI that catches the spirit while being easy to use would be quite a feat. I dare to say that if I started building such an application I would lose track of ease-to-use at the same pace as I gathered Git knowledge.
For the newbie I recommend Git for windows. Silverbacks need more gauges and levers and will use the command line.
Back to spirits. I learned the basics of Git through the well written post as Github.
July 2nd, 2012
If you can’t connect to the Neo4j web admin through a URL like
it might be because the default setting is that only localhost is allowed.
Open the file in the conf directory. Find
and uncomment it.
There are security considerations for removing this.
April 28th, 2012
The below text/error can occur if you have missed one of the } in jquery in a @section features{ section.
It can be hard tracking exactly which } is missing because commenting out the javascript code doesn’t change anything – it seems the razor engine doesn’t care about that type of comments. Instead start the @section{} anew and copy-paste the code in again piece by piece.
In my case it was a totally ok javascript for loop:
for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) { }
Event though it is correct syntax it makes Razor fail. Seems to be a bug in AspnetMVC/Razor/Dotnet4.5/Visualstudio11.
I am losing karma by not making the bug easy to reproduce and report the bug.
Server Error in ‘/myApplication’ Application.
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Expected “}”.
Source Error:
Line 204: </p>
Line 205: </section>
Line 206:</section> |
April 6th, 2012
Installing Windows8 consumer preview on a Max/OSX running Parallells works like a charm. I even saw a button in Parallells to install Win8; I guess Parallells downloads and installs everything. I had downloaded the gigs already so I chose to install from ISO.
It can also be an advantage to install on a mac since the touchpad is fantastic.
Next mission is to install Visualstudio11.
Visualstudio11 works.
Multitouch on the Mac mouse does not work when you write your own WPF applications as mentioned on Stackoverflow.
April 5th, 2012
Cccommunicate news letter is out.