Search programs and files is lost in Windows 8 – and a bit clumsy workaround
The Search programs and files command doesn’t work as good in Windows 8 as Windows 7 or Vista. In fact, it only does a fraction of its predecessor.
As a developer I often manipulate windows services and hence use the Services app in Control panel. In Win7 I just press the windows button and write services.
One can find Services in Windows 8 too but it doesn’t come as easy. One has to start searching (just press a letter at the start screen) but then choose to search in Settings through pressing arrow-down arrow-down enter.
I have a workaround to find Services and it is to go through the normal Control panel->Administration path and copy the Services shortcut. I then pin this shortcut to Windows8 start screen.
Next time I want to open the Services I just write services and hey presto – it shows up in the search result.
One can do this for the usual programs one wants to get to.
It took the original start button over 10 years to develop into what it is today. I don’t blame Microsoft for not getting it right at first try and I look forward to future refinements.
Tags: search, search programs and files, windows 8
You can search for files and folders using the Windows 8 start screen, you just have to select or use the appropriate hotkey shortcut Windows Key-F or Windows Key-W
Don’t get me wrong, I think its a step backwards too, turning search into a one-dimensional function where programs and files are no longer the same thing, same with control panel functions…
I’m looking for a tweak that brings back the old search behavior without completely changing the underlying system files/UI etc.